Monday, 12 March 2012

Winner Winner, chicken dinner!

There is a wealth of choice in the supermarket when your looking to choose some food for you little one. There's Heinz, Ella's Kitchen, HiPP, Little Angels from ASDA (our supermarket of choice) and a favourite of ours Plum.

Well, last week Plum reached their 6th birthday and to celebrate they held a competition to win a selection of foods on their facebook page.

Now, The Mrs isn't the luckiest of women, after all she ended up with my ugly mug, but that doesn't stop her entering any competition she sees. if she sees a chance to win some goodies, then she will happily sit and enter her details and cross her fingers. Unfortunately she didn't win anything as part of the birthday celebrations......BUT, Plum said that if their facebook page reached a certain number of 'Likes', they would draw a name out and that person would also win some lovely food and today it arrived!

Look at all that food!

BB couldn't wait to try some of his new collection..

He also couldn't wait to play in his new toy!

So a big thanks to Plum I am pretty sure BB will love it!

Just in case you haven't read my blog in the past month or you live under a rock you only have until the 15th march to nominate in the Britmums 'Brilliance in Blogging' awards.

Brilliance in Blogging: DAD BLOGGER!

You can nominate me for as many categories as possible not just Dad Blogger.
I will be forever grateful, even if I just make it to the shortlist!

Thanks for reading and of course voting..HA




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