Tuesday, 2 August 2011

My Birth Story.

While we waited for BB to arrive into our lives, we both read ALOT of other people’s birth stories, hoping they would give us a little insight to what we should expect to go through when the time came.
So now BB is with us and the dust has settled I thought it was my turn to give you my experiences.
So here goes..

04:30: Christine woke me worried that either A) She may have become incontinent during the night OR B) Her waters may have broken. I had read numerous times that if it is waters breaking, if you can; go back to sleep as it may be a long day., so we did. GOOD TIP!
07:30: I am woken again by Christine, telling me that she had spoken to the hospital and they have asked her to come in.
08:00: We arrive at the hospital and when they do an examination they say that it is very likely that it was her waters and that they would like to keep her in overnight for observation. Christine is given a steroid injection to help baby’s lungs in the event of his birth and her first dose of anti-biotic
13:00: Christine started feeling a few twinges but nothing she couldn’t handle.
14:30: Pain increase and it started to become clear that these were in fact contractions.
15:50: Christine could take the pain no more and asked for her first set of pain killers. These were accompanied by an anti-biotic to avoid infection.
16:30: The pain killers returned accompanied by the anti-biotic and anything else in Christine’s stomach!
17:00: Christine gets an anti-sickness tablet and another pain killer but is told if they come back, they won’t be able to give her anything else.
17:10: Turns out the anti-sickness tablet didn’t work!
18:00: At this point the doctor and midwife were disagreeing that Christine was even in labour. They explained they didn’t want to examine by hand as this can lead to infection.
18:30: After speaking to her superior, the midwife decided to find out for sure and do an examination. She looked up at Christine and asked her how dilated she thought she was? Christine said 3cm and I said 6cm....she was 7cm!!
19:00: After being admitted to the delivery suit and introduced to her new friend ‘Gas  & Air’, Christine was prepared for labour and generally monitored.
20:15: Christine has the urge to push and the midwife gives the OK. 
20:27: Baby Benjamin enters the world. Welcomed by a mum who doesn’t know what day it is cos she is as high as a kite and a dad who can barely see through the tears.

We know and appreciate that the whole process went amazingly smooth and we have been very lucky.
 It wasn’t all perfect as BB was taken down to the special care baby unit, but more about that in my next post.

Once again thanks for reading and all the well wishes from you all.


  1. That really does sound like quite a simple good birth apart from being a bit early. It's always good to have a plan but as you know you have to be flexible as you really don't know what will happen.

  2. A huge congratulations. lovely to see it through the eyes of a Daddy x

  3. What a lovely birth story, it all sounds like it went well. I hope I get one of those this time! Congratulations to you all, but especially to Christine.

    Hope you are enjoying lots of cuddles

  4. Reading this as I sit in my hospital bed expecting an earlier than later birth .... It really helps to know how smooth it can still be Xxx thanks for sharing

