Saturday, 7 May 2011

6 years ago today...

The 7th May holds a very special place in my heart, for that is the day I married my beautiful wife Christine.

We first met when I got a job working in the same department as a temp, way back in 1999. Immediately, we struck up a friendship and after a while it became clear, Christine couldn’t resist the Ackroyd charm. (I’m certain, this doesn’t actually exist, but I can’t otherwise think why she would be attracted to ME!) Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. I was still in a serious relationship with a girl I went to high school with, so cupid had to take a rain check.
After nearly a year, Christine was to get a job working abroad as a holiday rep in Majorca. A few weeks before she left, my mum passed away and although my then girlfriend appeared distant, Christine was there for me when I needed someone to talk to.
 In true Hollywood fashion, the day after Christine flew out to Spain; I split with my then girlfriend and became a single and available man. Typical, but these things happen for a reason.

Over the next few months, we kept in touch using good old fashion letters and phone calls. Then, call it fate; call it coincidence, but myself and a friend, booked a holiday to Tenerife for an October getaway and unbeknown to me, Christine had also been asked to go cover the crossover of staff in Tenerife, so we were both there at the same time.
So it all began in Tenerife and here we are nearly 11 years later.
On 7th May 2005, we tied the knot in an art gallery not far from where we had set-up home and our reception at a modest family run hotel. Many people would say that their wedding day was perfect, but ours truly was. We had our loved ones around us, everything went without a hitch and I had managed to snag one hell of a woman.
I love my wife more than I could articulate in this blog, or show you in pictures or even show in actions (although I do try).
 She is my ying to my yang, my salt to my pepper, my Bert to My Ernie. She is the reason I get up on a morning and go to work so together we can build a life that we can enjoy. Soon, this life that we have built with each other will change for the better, she will become mum and I will become dad and I wouldn’t want to embark on this journey with anybody else.

6 years ago, we got married and have never looked back, instead we look forward, forward to becoming parents.

Christine, I love you and happy anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary. Lovely thing to do. I look forward to reading your journey.
