Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Holiday Fun

Once again, its been far too long since I posted anything, but this time it's not just down to me being useless, its because we've been on holiday!

Now I know your dying to know what we got up to, but my holiday was boring compared to the kids, so I figured I'd let them do the talking!

The holiday from BB's perspective:
Wowee I had a great holiday! We flew on a big plane! I have been on planes before so I knew what to expect. Just like the first time I went on a plane, I sat like a good boy with my grandad. Planes can be pretty boring so I had a bit of a sleep. Then I had some lunch, then we got off the plane and on a bus!

When we got to our new house, I found out that I would be sleeping in the same room as my grandad & grandma! I was so excited! Me and my grandad played in the pool, we played in a giant sandpit, in the park and we even played my favourite game of KICK. I love playing Kick. I like to pick the ball up and throw it. Grandad's not very good at Kick, he keeps using his feet! Silly Grandad!

Every night after my dinner, I got to dance and play with lots of other children at the mini disco. I'd never been to a disco before, but I soon got the hang if it and it turns out I'm a pretty good dancer! There was also a strange pair of characters walking around. Nobody but me seemed to be concerned that a giant Shark and dolphin was dancing around! I kept an eye on them so they didn't get up to anything fishy!!

Back Off..I GOT this!
Then, just as I learnt all the dances at the mini-disco, we got on another bus. I didn't like this bus as much. Just as we got to the place the big planes live, I was poorly and sick all over my clothes and my grandad. We got on the big plane and after a couple of episodes of Mickey and some very scary bumps later we got off the plane and went home. I didn't like the bumps very much but I needed to be brave to look after my grandad as I don't think he liked them either.

I had lots of fun on my holidays and wish I could go play Kick everyday, but Grandad says he has to go to work BORING!! Now I just need to convince Grandad to go on holiday again!!

From LB's perspective:
Slept. Boobed. Slept. Boobed. Slept. Went on swing. Boobed. Slept

And there you have it. Lots of fun...and boob (for LB anyway!)

As always, thanks for reading

PS Now I can Play Kick! Muhahahahaha

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Behind every good man..

I'll start this post with the following disclaimer!
This is a post to celebrate 8 wonderful years of marriage. It's full of soppy crap, so if your not into that sorta thing...move along, there's nothing to see here!

Still reading? You were warned!

I'm a good guy.
I'm not being or cocky or full of myself. In fact I'm normally pretty self deprecating. I am by nowhere near perfect, but I don't have a great deal of bad about me.
The saying goes that "Behind every great man, there's a great woman!" well in my case there is 2.
My mum, who as followers of this blog will know, is no longer with us and my wife.

My mother made me the man I was when my wife met me. I was young, but mature. Sensible and kind. I always used my manners and knew how to be a gentleman.

My wife, however made me the man I am today and for that I am ever grateful.

We have been together for nearly 13 years. 13 years!! If we had a child when we first met, that child would be in high school, smoking, getting suspended was just me? I told you I wasn't perfect!

Together for 13 years and today marks the 8th Anniversary of us being married.
I cant believe she has put up with me for 8 years.

It's ridiculous just how bad my memory is. I can do something and after only a few days later I wont remember it happening, but ask me pretty much anything about my wedding day and I will tell you the answer.

The only wedding picture I could find at 11pm
Alot of people say their wedding day was perfect, but ours really was. Nothing over the top, we exchange vows in a beautiful art gallery and had our reception in a small family run hotel. Had a roast beef carvery for our main meal and didn't wake up with a hangover. What more could you ask for?

For 8 years, she has kept me in line, called me out when I was being an arse (As all men can be) and just when I when I thought I couldn't love this woman any more, she has given me 2 beautiful children.

Recently she was told she had the perfect life, one of those factors was how good a husband she had. Well I cant take any credit for that, after all I have to do my best just to keep up with how great she is at being a wife...and now how great she is a mother.

So my darling, thank you for being you, thank you for being the amazing person, wife and mother you are. I love you and I hope that I can type another soppy post like this in another 8 years time.

Happy Anniversary

Love you always

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Silent Sunday - 5/5/13


Thursday, 2 May 2013

Identity Crisis

'They' say (Whoever these most knowledgable of people always reffered to as 'they' are), that "a break is as good as a rest". Well recently I've had a bit of a break.

Although it appears nobody noticed, I've been away for a while. No blog posts, no tweets for well over a week, no nothing.

One of the reasons I did this was because I've been having a bit of an identity crisis.

The name 'first-time-daddy' has served me well but it's just not ME anymore. When I would tell people about my little corner of the webosphere, I could see people's confusion. It's like being a 31 year old man who still wears nappies. It made sense at a point in time, but now its just silly......very comfortable and practical but silly non-the-less! (I am of course not talking about anybody I know....especially not me...*coughs*)

I'm not a daddy for the first time. I have 2 beautiful boys and quite frankly if Im going to go to the trouble of updating my name then second-time-daddy just won't cut it.
So I made the decision to change my name/brand, whatever you want to call it! If you follow me on twitter you'll hopefully have noticed I have changed my name. From now on I would like you to all call me Barbara. That's got nothing to do with this blog, its just a name I think I would be comfortable being called. But for blogging purposes I will soon be known as DADWHOBLOGS!!

See, that fits so much better!

Although I have already changed my twitter, the blog will soon follow. As part of the change and with a little help from my friends on Twitter, I'm going self hosted. This isn't a quick thing and I want to get it right, so I don't want to rush the new blog.

Now, I know this is risky. I have 750+ followers on twitter some of which are not bots and hopefully they've twigged onto the name change. I also have a couple if readers on this very blog, so hopefully, when I move on, you guys will stick with me!

So there you have it!
To make a long story even longer:
I've had a break that's supposed to feel like a rest! ('They' arent always right)
I don't like the label of first-time-daddy anymore.
I'm changing my name to DadWhoBlogs.
I've already changed my name on twitter.
I will eventually stop posting here and eventually post on my shiney new blog which can be found at

I know you haven't missed me, but I've missed you, and will resume with my usual drivel in due course.

Much love and as always, thanks for reading!