A combination of both a peaceful baby and a wife that looked after him, all I had to do is help The Mrs settle into a breast feeding routine and keep the house running. If I am honest, it did seem like a bit of a holiday.

This time, it's been a little different.
Not only have I tried to keep the house running, I have also had a pesky little boy to chase around.
It's definitely been challenging, but we still have something that resembles home, so I must be doing OK!
It's been challenging, but as before, its been worth it.
The best thing about paternity this time round was, not only did I get chance to spend time with The Mrs and our beautiful baby boy, but I have spent lots of time with BB.
We have played and laughed and played and cried and been told off and cried and played and that's just ME!
It's been great to be able to spend some more time with him. Normally our time consits of days here and there. That's normally enough for me as I like that he is spending time with other people, so it was nice to have some time with him. Saying that, it was also nice when he went to spend some time with his Grandma and Grandad too! They do say you can have too much of a good thing! lol
I am back at work in the morning and I am sure by the end of the week, I will want to be home again with my beautiful family.
I am pretty confident, when I say I wont have paternity leave for the 3rd time as I dont think there will be a 3rd time and that's cool with me, but if you are about to take some paternity leave, enjoy every second, because it will be over far too quickly.
As always, thanks for reading.
Wonderful thing, pat leave. I didn't want it to end after the birth of our first child and was really upset when I had to return to the office. I'd just got so used to being around mother and new born child.
ReplyDeleteI had the same experience on my 2nd lot, spent so much quality time with Matilda to allow wifey to concentrate on the new arrival was great fun