Well it has all been worth it!
From a very large number of nominations, the guys at BritMums narrowed it down to a shortlist of 20 dad blogs. After a month or so of voting, hey have narrowed it down to 8 amazing dad blogs to be the finalists of which they will choose a winner and this very blog that you are reading right now is one of them!
It is difficult to describe how awesome it feels to have this blog recognised in such a way. I have said all along that simply being on the shortlist was good enough and it really is. I don't blog for awards, I blog for me, but being in the final 8 means that other people appreciate my little corner of the net too and for anybody that voted I owe you a MASSIVE thank you. If I could afford it, I would buy you all cake, but I can't so a thank you will have to suffice.
Unfortunately, I wont be able to make it to the event to see the winner crowned as its a little out of reach for me, but I will be watching twitter like a hawk to quickly congratulate the eventual winner. I may even make a video of myself clapping like a good loser at the Oscars and place it on the blog in appreciation.
Either way, win or lose, I think I have already won. Not only has my little blog been recognised enough to be placed in the final 8, but being there should bring a few readers along. The more people I can bore at once the better!
Also, congrats to the other 7 guys that made it through to the final. If you dont already, check out there blogs, they are far better than mine. Just dont tell BritMums that!
They are...
Bringing Up Charlie |
Dad’s Cooking Tonight |
Daddacool |
Life with an Autistic Son |
Mutterings of a Fool |
Reluctant House Dad |
SAHD And Proud |
When I look at the following some of the above blogs have, it makes it even more amazing that I am included in this group!
So thanks again for voting, apologies AGAIN for me bugging you all the time to vote. I promise I wont be nominated in any more blog awards for a while.
As always, thanks for reading
Congratulations Lewis. It is well deserved.