We can NEVER relax again!
When a baby is born, you know life will never be the same again. You know you might have to wait 18 or so years before your child leaves you alone long enough for you to have a nice cuppa. The reality is, when a baby is first born, you get plenty of time. Well with BB we did anyway. He slept ALOT. I think this happens for life to ease you into a false sense of security before BOOM they don't sleep as much as they did.
Then you still don't have it too bad. The little man or lady in your life is still pretty restricted. You can lay them down, stick them in a play pen and they are as content as a pig in poo!
THEN they get mobile! At first its cool, cute, maybe even fun, but soon your devising a way to place a tracking device on them just to keep track!
BB started slowly, he started with an army crawl. He crawled with his arms, while pushing himself along with his big toe!
The he got the whole crawling thing, but occasionally he still went back to the old 'crawl 'n' push'. Then he got better with the crawling, now hes off and I am pretty sure if we didn't keep an eye on him, he would be sat in the pub with a pint in his hand before we noticed!
We really need to go buy some gates!
Thanks for reading
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Thursday, 17 May 2012
The incredible F'***ing hulk?
There's a monster inside me and its trying to get out.
It's been there for years. Sometime I can contain it, sometimes it just jumps out without me even realising! The monster inside me is bad. Bad language.
A story from my childhood (about 6 years old) goes a little like this...
I'm sat playing with some toy cars on he floor of my aunties house and one of the cars goes flying to the other side of the room.
With a glum look on my face I said to myself "Oh sugar butties".
My uncle laughed to himself and asked my why I would say such a strange thing. My response was simple; "Well, I used to say shit, but my mum says I shouldn't say that anymore!"
So here I am now. With a 10 month old, who no doubt doesn't yet understand a word I'm saying, but I know someday soon he will. I don't want to look back on his first word and be ashamed it was Fu*k, B*llox, A*se or any other of the bad words that come flying out of my mouth without any consideration for the innocent audience in front of me.
I can't be the only one can I? The Mrs doesn't have this problem and very rarely swears, maybe because I do it enough for both of us.
Do you have a monster inside you? How to you keep it under wraps?
You better leave me a comment now.....or you might just make me angry!....YOU WONT LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!
As always, thanks for reading
It's been there for years. Sometime I can contain it, sometimes it just jumps out without me even realising! The monster inside me is bad. Bad language.
A story from my childhood (about 6 years old) goes a little like this...
I'm sat playing with some toy cars on he floor of my aunties house and one of the cars goes flying to the other side of the room.
With a glum look on my face I said to myself "Oh sugar butties".
My uncle laughed to himself and asked my why I would say such a strange thing. My response was simple; "Well, I used to say shit, but my mum says I shouldn't say that anymore!"
So here I am now. With a 10 month old, who no doubt doesn't yet understand a word I'm saying, but I know someday soon he will. I don't want to look back on his first word and be ashamed it was Fu*k, B*llox, A*se or any other of the bad words that come flying out of my mouth without any consideration for the innocent audience in front of me.
I can't be the only one can I? The Mrs doesn't have this problem and very rarely swears, maybe because I do it enough for both of us.
Do you have a monster inside you? How to you keep it under wraps?
You better leave me a comment now.....or you might just make me angry!....YOU WONT LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!
As always, thanks for reading
Saturday, 12 May 2012
I saw recently on BritMums, they were doing a blogging prompt called #Blogging4Madeleine!
The aim of this prompt is to re-raise awareness that there is a little girl who is celebrating her 9th birthday (12th May) and probably doesn't know it because she was taken from her parents nearly 5 years ago and as not yet been found.
I am sure you have heard the story before but in case you haven't......
Madeleine McCann disappeared on the evening of Thursday, 3 May 2007. She was on holiday with her parents and twin siblings in the Algarve region of Portugal. She went missing from an apartment, in the central area of the resort of Praia da Luz, a few days before her fourth birthday, and has still not been found. Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, have said that they left the children unsupervised in a ground floor bedroom while they ate at a restaurant about 120 metres (130 yards) away.
Many theories exists from her simply wandering away, being kidnapped by a paedophile ring to even being murdered by her parents. My honest opinion is that she was taken, by whom we may never know. If she had been hurt either by accident or on purpose by one or both of her parents, I think more evidence of this would have been found by now. This of course is just my opinion and I suppose I would prefer the thought that this little girl is still alive and well, somewhere.
Hopefully one day, a girl will hear this story and realise that she is in fact little Madeleine and will come forward.
I originally wasn't going to take part in this prompt, but when I thought about it, I figured what harm could it do. If one of the many blogs taking part means somebody comes forward with new information, it's been worthwhile. So here goes....
This is a picture of Madeleine when she was taken and also what it is believed she would look like at 9 Years old.

The aim of this prompt is to re-raise awareness that there is a little girl who is celebrating her 9th birthday (12th May) and probably doesn't know it because she was taken from her parents nearly 5 years ago and as not yet been found.

I am sure you have heard the story before but in case you haven't......
Madeleine McCann disappeared on the evening of Thursday, 3 May 2007. She was on holiday with her parents and twin siblings in the Algarve region of Portugal. She went missing from an apartment, in the central area of the resort of Praia da Luz, a few days before her fourth birthday, and has still not been found. Madeleine's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, have said that they left the children unsupervised in a ground floor bedroom while they ate at a restaurant about 120 metres (130 yards) away.
Many theories exists from her simply wandering away, being kidnapped by a paedophile ring to even being murdered by her parents. My honest opinion is that she was taken, by whom we may never know. If she had been hurt either by accident or on purpose by one or both of her parents, I think more evidence of this would have been found by now. This of course is just my opinion and I suppose I would prefer the thought that this little girl is still alive and well, somewhere.
Hopefully one day, a girl will hear this story and realise that she is in fact little Madeleine and will come forward.
I originally wasn't going to take part in this prompt, but when I thought about it, I figured what harm could it do. If one of the many blogs taking part means somebody comes forward with new information, it's been worthwhile. So here goes....
This is a picture of Madeleine when she was taken and also what it is believed she would look like at 9 Years old.

Below is information on the
find Madeleine campaign and information on how you can help.
· Contact information to report any
sightings or information
o Your local police force immediately, AND
o Operation Grange
0207 321 9251 (in the UK)
+44 207 321 9251 (non-UK)
0207 321 9251 (in the UK)
+44 207 321 9251 (non-UK)
o Or Operation.Grange@met.pnn.police.uk OR Crimestoppers in confidence on
0800 555111 OR www.crimestoppers-uk.org
· The Find Madeleine official website www.findmadeleine.com
A big thanks to lead organisers:
Caroline – http://amummysview.wordpress.com
KellyAnn – http://teaandbiscotti.com/
As always Thanks for reading
Saturday is #SatCap day!
It's Saturday! You know what that means? It's SUNDAY tomorrow!.....and it's #SatCap day!
Every day, I sit at work and The Mrs sends me pics of the boy during the day, so I miss out as lttle as possible. As soon as I saw this, I thought of #SatCap
Got a caption for this picture? Stick it in the comments!
Want MORE #SatCaps
Head on over to Mammasaurus and check the rest of the blogs on the linky!
As always thanks for reading
Every day, I sit at work and The Mrs sends me pics of the boy during the day, so I miss out as lttle as possible. As soon as I saw this, I thought of #SatCap
Got a caption for this picture? Stick it in the comments!
Want MORE #SatCaps
Head on over to Mammasaurus and check the rest of the blogs on the linky!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
I made it to the final!
You are either new to my blog (In which case HI! *waves*) or you must actually ignore most of what I write if you haven't noticed me asking/begging for your nomination in the BritMums Brilliance in Blogging awards.
Well it has all been worth it!
From a very large number of nominations, the guys at BritMums narrowed it down to a shortlist of 20 dad blogs. After a month or so of voting, hey have narrowed it down to 8 amazing dad blogs to be the finalists of which they will choose a winner and this very blog that you are reading right now is one of them!
It is difficult to describe how awesome it feels to have this blog recognised in such a way. I have said all along that simply being on the shortlist was good enough and it really is. I don't blog for awards, I blog for me, but being in the final 8 means that other people appreciate my little corner of the net too and for anybody that voted I owe you a MASSIVE thank you. If I could afford it, I would buy you all cake, but I can't so a thank you will have to suffice.
Unfortunately, I wont be able to make it to the event to see the winner crowned as its a little out of reach for me, but I will be watching twitter like a hawk to quickly congratulate the eventual winner. I may even make a video of myself clapping like a good loser at the Oscars and place it on the blog in appreciation.
Either way, win or lose, I think I have already won. Not only has my little blog been recognised enough to be placed in the final 8, but being there should bring a few readers along. The more people I can bore at once the better!
Also, congrats to the other 7 guys that made it through to the final. If you dont already, check out there blogs, they are far better than mine. Just dont tell BritMums that!
They are...
When I look at the following some of the above blogs have, it makes it even more amazing that I am included in this group!
So thanks again for voting, apologies AGAIN for me bugging you all the time to vote. I promise I wont be nominated in any more blog awards for a while.
As always, thanks for reading
Well it has all been worth it!
From a very large number of nominations, the guys at BritMums narrowed it down to a shortlist of 20 dad blogs. After a month or so of voting, hey have narrowed it down to 8 amazing dad blogs to be the finalists of which they will choose a winner and this very blog that you are reading right now is one of them!
It is difficult to describe how awesome it feels to have this blog recognised in such a way. I have said all along that simply being on the shortlist was good enough and it really is. I don't blog for awards, I blog for me, but being in the final 8 means that other people appreciate my little corner of the net too and for anybody that voted I owe you a MASSIVE thank you. If I could afford it, I would buy you all cake, but I can't so a thank you will have to suffice.
Unfortunately, I wont be able to make it to the event to see the winner crowned as its a little out of reach for me, but I will be watching twitter like a hawk to quickly congratulate the eventual winner. I may even make a video of myself clapping like a good loser at the Oscars and place it on the blog in appreciation.
Either way, win or lose, I think I have already won. Not only has my little blog been recognised enough to be placed in the final 8, but being there should bring a few readers along. The more people I can bore at once the better!
Also, congrats to the other 7 guys that made it through to the final. If you dont already, check out there blogs, they are far better than mine. Just dont tell BritMums that!
They are...
Bringing Up Charlie |
Dad’s Cooking Tonight |
Daddacool |
Life with an Autistic Son |
Mutterings of a Fool |
Reluctant House Dad |
SAHD And Proud |
When I look at the following some of the above blogs have, it makes it even more amazing that I am included in this group!
So thanks again for voting, apologies AGAIN for me bugging you all the time to vote. I promise I wont be nominated in any more blog awards for a while.
As always, thanks for reading
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Wake up fatso!
As most of you know I'm pretty fat. Mentioned it before on my blog and twitter and I am constantly reminded how fat by the great work the Dadfit guys are doing (Search #Dadfit on twitter for more info). They really are putting me to shame.
This however is not the reason for this blog post as I can imagine most of you aren't interested in me whining about how I cant resist a pork pie, then hate myself for eating it in the first place. I'm like that character from Austin powers. He says "I eat because I'm unhappy and I'm unhappy because I eat". I'm actually pretty happy but ya know what I mean! Mmmmmm Pork Pie.....
The point of this post is because I have come to a realisation. I'm not just REALLY fat, I am REALLY unfit.
Tonight was week one of a new 12 week course I am taking part in. The course is called 'Getting fit with the Giants' and is a joint scheme between a local NHS organisation and the Huddersfield Giants Rugby League team.
An e-mail was sent round work a couple of months ago asking for guys over the age of 30 (I'm only JUST there!) who feel they are unfit and would like to improve their fitness. Well you cant get any more unfit than I am and tonight was proof!
After a short warm up which to me felt like a full on workout, we played some touch rugby and did a few circuit exercises, by which time I thought my lungs were going to climb out of my chest and re-enact a Oscar-esque death scene. Needless to say I kept the buggers down, but only just.
After what seemed like 4 hours worth of torture, which was in fact 1 hour of easy exercise for some, I would have like nothing better than to lay downandslowly cry myself to sleep, but the second hour was a classroom session, where we talked about nutrition and target setting and how we can generally make ourselves feel and be a little fitter.
I haven't really set any targets in stone. (See what I did there?) I am pretty sure that I will lose weight as part of this course and get a little fitter. The question is what I do AFTER these 12 weeks.
I plan to start walking. Even if it's 30 minutes after the boy is in bed asleep, even if its only two nights a week, its an improvement. Then hopefully if I lose some weight, more activity will follow.
Of course I am doing this for a number of reasons. Reason 1 is my health. I have seen first hand the effects being obese can have on a persons body and I don't want any of that, No thank you! Reason No 2 is I want to be fitter for my family. I don't want to be the guy who stands still while is son plays football alone. I want to be playing football too and showing of my amazing footwork (Compared to a child) and of course reason No.3 is my little walk.
It's still pretty far away, but my sponsored walk is always at the back of my mind. I worry that I am not going to complete the 10km walk. I would feel such a failure to myself and no doubt those kind enough to sponsor me. If you would like to sponsor me by the way, please click this link and donate away. http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/LewisAckroyd. No donation is too small and thank you.
But I am determined. I am pretty good when I'm determined. I quit smoking when I was determined and if I can do that I can do anything. (Within reason lol)
So, here goes. The next 12 weeks will either change me for like or most likely kill me.
As always, thanks for reading
P.S. Sorry for such a long post, but once I start rambling I can't stop, so thanks if your still awake at this point!
The point of this post is because I have come to a realisation. I'm not just REALLY fat, I am REALLY unfit.
Tonight was week one of a new 12 week course I am taking part in. The course is called 'Getting fit with the Giants' and is a joint scheme between a local NHS organisation and the Huddersfield Giants Rugby League team.
An e-mail was sent round work a couple of months ago asking for guys over the age of 30 (I'm only JUST there!) who feel they are unfit and would like to improve their fitness. Well you cant get any more unfit than I am and tonight was proof!
After a short warm up which to me felt like a full on workout, we played some touch rugby and did a few circuit exercises, by which time I thought my lungs were going to climb out of my chest and re-enact a Oscar-esque death scene. Needless to say I kept the buggers down, but only just.
After what seemed like 4 hours worth of torture, which was in fact 1 hour of easy exercise for some, I would have like nothing better than to lay downandslowly cry myself to sleep, but the second hour was a classroom session, where we talked about nutrition and target setting and how we can generally make ourselves feel and be a little fitter.
I haven't really set any targets in stone. (See what I did there?) I am pretty sure that I will lose weight as part of this course and get a little fitter. The question is what I do AFTER these 12 weeks.
I plan to start walking. Even if it's 30 minutes after the boy is in bed asleep, even if its only two nights a week, its an improvement. Then hopefully if I lose some weight, more activity will follow.
Of course I am doing this for a number of reasons. Reason 1 is my health. I have seen first hand the effects being obese can have on a persons body and I don't want any of that, No thank you! Reason No 2 is I want to be fitter for my family. I don't want to be the guy who stands still while is son plays football alone. I want to be playing football too and showing of my amazing footwork (Compared to a child) and of course reason No.3 is my little walk.
It's still pretty far away, but my sponsored walk is always at the back of my mind. I worry that I am not going to complete the 10km walk. I would feel such a failure to myself and no doubt those kind enough to sponsor me. If you would like to sponsor me by the way, please click this link and donate away. http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/LewisAckroyd. No donation is too small and thank you.
But I am determined. I am pretty good when I'm determined. I quit smoking when I was determined and if I can do that I can do anything. (Within reason lol)
So, here goes. The next 12 weeks will either change me for like or most likely kill me.
As always, thanks for reading
P.S. Sorry for such a long post, but once I start rambling I can't stop, so thanks if your still awake at this point!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Not enough hours in the day!
I know what your all thinking. Where is first-time-daddy? Why hasn't he blogged for such a long time? Why should I care? Why is the Lone Ranger called the LONE Ranger when he has a sidekick called Tonto?
The answer to those questions are simple...except for the last one.
I have been really busy!
You know what it's like, you get home from work and you just want to switch off. I sit in front of a computer all day so I have been trying (Not very successfully) to limit how much I do the same at home, so I have been away from the blog for a while.
Well I'm back...again!
Did you know, a couple of weeks ago, I was in the paper? No? More Info can be found HERE. (By reading that your not obliged to sponsor me, but it would be great if you did! :))
Well I am in another publication!

A while back the guys over at Boo Magazine were looking for Dads to be part of a feature they were doing in their latest edition. Boo Magazine is a free lifestyle magazine and is read by around 15000 people in and around Leeds. Check them out http://www.boo-magazine.co.uk/
Well me, with a face for radio, offered up my services. It seems to have taken forever, but the article has finally been published!
You can find an online copy HERE.
Told you I had been busy. That and the fact I have been busy at work (Damn those bills!) I haven't found much time to blog or even tweet as much as I would have liked, but hopefully I can pick it back up.
As always, thanks for reading.
The answer to those questions are simple...except for the last one.
I have been really busy!
You know what it's like, you get home from work and you just want to switch off. I sit in front of a computer all day so I have been trying (Not very successfully) to limit how much I do the same at home, so I have been away from the blog for a while.
Well I'm back...again!
Did you know, a couple of weeks ago, I was in the paper? No? More Info can be found HERE. (By reading that your not obliged to sponsor me, but it would be great if you did! :))
Well I am in another publication!

A while back the guys over at Boo Magazine were looking for Dads to be part of a feature they were doing in their latest edition. Boo Magazine is a free lifestyle magazine and is read by around 15000 people in and around Leeds. Check them out http://www.boo-magazine.co.uk/
Well me, with a face for radio, offered up my services. It seems to have taken forever, but the article has finally been published!
You can find an online copy HERE.
Told you I had been busy. That and the fact I have been busy at work (Damn those bills!) I haven't found much time to blog or even tweet as much as I would have liked, but hopefully I can pick it back up.
As always, thanks for reading.
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