Thursday, 5 April 2012

My Bloggerversary

Roughly 365 Days, 8760 Hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,556,926 Seconds., 64 posts and 7343 Page Views = A year of

A year ago today I posted my first ever blog post. It simply said;

First-time-daddy? First-time-blogger!
I have been asked for a while now, why I don’t do a blog.
I have used Twitter since around January, to talk about my feelings and experience during our pregnancy.
Over the next few days I will introduce myself and give you a few details on what’s happened so-far in the first 20 weeks!

All comments welcome. 

I was welcomed into the blogosphere with open arms and I have 'met' some great people.
I have discovered groups and organisations like Dean at Daddynatal and found likeminded people to chat to, like Neil at  Living with LC and most recently the unfortunately named Lewis at  NewBabberBlog.
A year down the line and I am still enjoying blogging. I still can’t believe that on a daily basis, people read this very blog *WAVES* and some even think it worthy enough for an award! (more on that

Looking back over the last 12 months, I have a real selection of different posts. From bits of fun like my first Meme, posts about complete strangers that have touched our lives like Isla and posts where I try and tell you how much of an amazing woman my wife is.

A year down the line and I can still come online, empty my brain of some of the random crap that’s whirling around up there. In fact I worry sometimes that I spout too much, well I’m sorry to disappoint, but I think I am going to blog even more over the next year! (Insert evil laugh here)
Sometimes I start a blog post and think, nah..nobody would be interested in my opinion on that, but from now on I'm just going to post it and if you read it then you read

How often is too often anyways?

Well it's been an awesome year from a blogging point of view and I hopefully I have entertained, made you laugh and I hope I continue to do so.

I didn’t want today to go by, without posting so thanks for sticking with me over the past year and hopefully you will stick with me for a long time to come....Oh and one last thing!

If you live under a rock and have somehow managed to avoid my tirades of tweets, but I have been shortlisted for an award and if you haven’t voted for yet, I would be VERY grateful if you could spare me a vote. Just click on the picture below and look for my name under Best Dad blog.

Dad Shortlist

As always, thanks for reading


  1. Happy bloggiversary mate! :-)

    I think it'd be great to see more posts from you, don't hold back from hitting that submit button!

  2. Thanks man.
    I'm never sure if nybody cares about my opinion on the economy or fuel, or wheter or not guido shot first.

    Even thought of starting a seperate blog to vent on other stuff, but this keeps me busy

    Thanks again!

  3. Can't believe its been a year :D Well done!

  4. Starting a blog is easy. Keeping a blog going is hard. Congratulations!

    Now. Keep it up!

  5. Hi first time Daddy. Just found your blog. Happy Blogaversary! Don't worry about what folk think of your blogs mate. I don't. I started blogging 7 years ago when we first got a hint of problems about my unborn son. . Best thing I've ever done.

    1. Thanks for your comments. Really glad I started this and hope to continue into the future. Keep thinking about starting another for non family stuff! HA

  6. Hey Great blog!! I love it. I am also a first time daddy/blogger. I started my own daddy blog up about 3 weeks ago and am surprised to already have over 500 hits on it. Pretty neat. Well happy blogaversary! Keep it up!!

    She's Pregnant, I'm Learning

    1. HI, thanks for popping by.
      Good luck on your jopurney, it is indeed the most amazing think you can ever do.
      I have followed you on twitter and look forward to your updates.

