Thursday, 29 September 2011

A helping hand for Isla...

OK, I haven’t blogged for a while, for many reasons. Some of those reasons being time, some just being knackered and wanting to relax on an evening and some because I am just lazy....

I have however, stayed active reading blogs and using twitter. It was the latter that led me to this blog..

This blog was created for Matt and Lauren Anderson to detail their journey into parenthood, just like I did here, at first-time-daddy. As some will know more than others, not everything runs smoothly and baby Isla Niamh Anderson, entered this world at only 27 weeks...that unfortunately that was only the half of it!

I beg of you to go there and if you have the time, go all the way back to the post made on 24th August and read on from there. If you’re lazy like I am, I have included a link to said post HERE.

I have been following the blog and all of the updates and today I read about a post on a different blog which you can find here at  MotherHood Truth

Please read the most by Danielle over at ‘Motherhood Truth’ and IF you can, please donate any money through the paypal account hat has been set-up for the Anderson family.

Thanks for reading and helping in cash, prayers or any other way you can.


PS If Matt and Lauren read this, I hope you don't mind me using the picture above. If at all you do, I will remove immediately.


  1. Huge thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so grateful for you dedicating this post to us and wee Isla.

    Matt, Lauren & Isla x

  2. I would not be able to do this alone! Sooooo You DO deserve a huge Thank You!!! :)

    I am still in contact and plan to stay in contact with them. I am hoping maybe once a week we can get a total update. It makes me nervous not knowing how much is being donated because I want this to work SOOOOOO BAD!!! I just have to believe it WILL!!!!

  3. This pales into significance to what you have done, there is no need to thank

    Hopefully if they have time, they can give you a total at some point and we can see if it is helping!

  4. Absolutely beautiful!! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this!!! I am speechless!! Beautifully written!! I went into this not knowing at all what to expect and I am seeing a community of bloggers come together to help out a fellow blogger and it means the world to me! I know it means the world to the Anderson's too! Thank you again!!
