Thursday, 29 September 2011

A helping hand for Isla...

OK, I haven’t blogged for a while, for many reasons. Some of those reasons being time, some just being knackered and wanting to relax on an evening and some because I am just lazy....

I have however, stayed active reading blogs and using twitter. It was the latter that led me to this blog..

This blog was created for Matt and Lauren Anderson to detail their journey into parenthood, just like I did here, at first-time-daddy. As some will know more than others, not everything runs smoothly and baby Isla Niamh Anderson, entered this world at only 27 weeks...that unfortunately that was only the half of it!

I beg of you to go there and if you have the time, go all the way back to the post made on 24th August and read on from there. If you’re lazy like I am, I have included a link to said post HERE.

I have been following the blog and all of the updates and today I read about a post on a different blog which you can find here at  MotherHood Truth

Please read the most by Danielle over at ‘Motherhood Truth’ and IF you can, please donate any money through the paypal account hat has been set-up for the Anderson family.

Thanks for reading and helping in cash, prayers or any other way you can.


PS If Matt and Lauren read this, I hope you don't mind me using the picture above. If at all you do, I will remove immediately.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A baby's first holiday

I have spoken to friends and family, who have had kids and asked them about holidays. Most of them have attempted and some have even succeeded at having great first holidays with the kids. Other friends simply won’t even attempt it until their children are older and have less ‘Baggage’ to take with them.

Christine and I love to travel and we have seen some beautiful parts of the world and we hoped that the travelling would simply be scaled back once BB joined our little traveling troupe.

Well last weekend, we took what some would consider was our first holiday as a family.

I have relatives in Wales who I used to visit religiously every year as a child. While my parents were together we went by car. Once they separated, me and my mum continued to travel every year by train. We even travelled by coach one year which took 12 hours!

Since my mum passed away, my trips have become a little less frequent, nearing non-existent. This wasn’t because I stopped caring about those relatives, but as I began to grow older, other holidays took precedent.

A few months ago, an uncle from Wales visited us and made me promise, that when BB arrived, we would take him down to show him off to the family. He didn’t need to ask me twice, so as soon as BB was born, the plan to visit Wales was made.

So we found some cheap accommodation and began our long weekend by doing the 240+ mile journey for a long weekend. The hardest job of the weekend, was trying to fit all we needed into a Fiat Punto. We took a Moses basket for BB to sleep in, clothes for all 3 of us, then all the stuff the dog would need and biggest of all, the pram for BB to get about in and that alone nearly filled the boot!

We had a great time showing the little man to his Great Auntie and Uncles. He behaved impeccably all the while being passed from one person to the next and having to spend a lot of time in his car seat, travelling from one place to another.

All in all it was a great break and it was lovely to see some relatives, I hadn’t seen for some time. It also gave us some confidence that if and when we decide to travel for a little longer than a few days, we can manage fine, although I might need a bigger car!

All the family together in the picturesque town of Fishguard.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


 Most of you have probably not noticed, but I haven’t posted on here for some time. This isn’t for lack of wanting to, but I made a conscious decision not to. I found myself looking for things to post about, which is not why I started this blog. So for the past couple of weeks, I have simply sat back and enjoyed being a dad and a husband.

BUT...I’m back and as annoying as ever....HI *waves*

On Sunday 4th September our little BB was 7 weeks old. It’s unbelievable to think that only 7 weeks ago we were still just plodding along in life looking forward to our new addition (Which at that point was due 5 weeks later) and then BAM!! BB made is grand entrance.
He has already grown so much both within himself and physically.

When I look into his eyes I am still not convinced he can see be properly as he always seems to look passed you, but when I laugh at him and he smiles back it warms my heart to have that connection.

He has already grown out of his smallest of clothes and is pretty much out of Size 1 nappies. He is already becoming such a big boy and it excited me to think he is going to get even bigger. Soon he will be holding his own head, laughing at my jokes (Somebody has to!) and nurturing his own personality.

He is sleeping well, most of the time and is now already sleeping in his own room. He is still suffering from the moaning and groaning, but we are still hopeful he will grow out of it. 
He is also onto size 2 nappies! We worked out the other day, that we have enough nappies to last us until December! That's alot of room taken up!

This week we start our first mini-adventure. We go on our first holiday as a family. I have extended family down in West Wales where my mother was born and raised and I know they would love to meet our new addition, so we are going down for a long weekend. It’s a 6 hour drive but we plan on doing it in 2 parts. First part is about 4 Hours to meet up with my sister and brother in-law and then another 2 hours to our final destination. We are staying in a beautiful town called Fishguard around half hour’s drive from most of the family.

Although we are expecting it to be difficult with a newborn in tow, but hopefully it will also be relaxing. It’s been a great journey these 7 weeks, but I think I and especially Christine deserve to be able to stick our feet up a little and hopefully BB can get some love and attention from is Auntie and uncle.

If we live to see Tuesday, I will let you know how it goes!


Sunday, 4 September 2011

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday