Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Team Yellow?

One of the biggest decisions we have had to make since the decision to start a family was whether or not to find out if we were expecting a boy or a girl.
Many people know if they want a boy or a girl, I genuinely don’t have a preference.  I can understand why people would prefer one or the other, some already have boys therefore would like a girl, or some would like a boy as to keep the family name from disappearing into the ethos.

When I asked the question of whether we should find out or not on a baby related message board I got many different reasons for both.
I would like to know, I guess I just never saw the point in a surprise. It's just like having your surprise early
Finding out the sex made me more excited about this baby! I feel like I know more about her, and now she's a "she" instead of an "it"
Actually, there wasn’t much a case for against finding out, most people that replied said they either have already found out or will when the time is right....

So the decision had to be made. At our 20 weeks scan recently the sonographer began by explaining that the scan would take around 15 minutes while she checked things out. She then looked at Christine and asked “would you like to know what you’re having?”; now me as the funny guy and always looking for how to make a joke had to hold it together without screaming out sarcastically “BABY”! Needless to say without skipping a heartbeat my wife says NO.

Now this was a big decision for her. Not only have some people been nagging her to find out, if only to be able to by blue or pink, but she has been toying with the idea of finding out herself.

Originally, we were team Yellow, and then as the pregnancy has progressed doubt over the decision has slowly crept in. When we go shopping and we see outfits we would love to buy, we have to put them back as we don’t know which colour or style to buy. This gets increasingly annoying and in a way wears you down. I just think to myself, would it really hurt to find out. The devil on my left shoulder makes a good case; finding out won’t take away from the magic that is bringing life into this world. Then the Angel on the right shoulder reminds me that there are few surprises in life now-a-days and that there will be few prouder moments than when I tell our families that the latest addition to the family is a son or daughter.

The other problem we have regarding the question whether to find out the gender or not is names. We have many times laid in bed at night going over the pros and cons of this name or that name, but nearly all names that we have both agreed on have all been girl’s names. When trying to think of any boys names we both like we always seem to fall short.

After making the decision to remain on team yellow, there doesn’t seem to be any regrets. We have another scan scheduled TODAY as there were a few things that couldn’t be checked on the scan due to the way the baby was laying so you never know, we could still change our mind.

One thing I do know is that no matter what team we finish on, team blue or team pink, I know that as a couple we will do the best we can for any child we have.

Now then, back to the conversation about names..........


  1. Haha your baby sounds as awkward as mine! We had to go back twice at 21w and at 22w to finish the scan! And at 12 weeks he'd been a little monkey as well!
    Good on you not finding out! I don't regret finding out as it has helped prepare my son and my partners son who both wanted a sister but I do kinda wish I'd held out!

  2. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink!!!

  3. We actually think it's blue, but without any real reason, just gut feeling....will soon find out!
